The Buddhist Paintings at the eastern pavilion

Location – The Upper section of Rzarni road on the eastern slope
Category – Painting
Artist – U Tin soe, U Win Myint Moe
Category – Painting
Artist – U Tin soe, U Win Myint Moe
The chapter of standing by Bodhisattava above the head of Kali Devila hermit after flying from the bosom of King Suddhodhana’s
The chapter of Prohibition at the near of the city main door from Devil when Prince Siddhartha left to the forest at the midnight
The chapter of becoming as a Omniscient Buddha by Bodhisattva at the foot of the Bodhi tree after victory from the attacking of devil
The chapter of while the brothers Bhadravathi were searching for a woman, they encountered the Buddha
The chapter of buddha’s son Rahula requesting inheritance to buddha by following when he is coming back to his monastery
Kapilavastu and Koliya on the verge of war, the chapter of preaching blessed Buddha from the heavens